Thursday, May 28, 2009

Solitude is bliss. It’s a necessity. I love solitude. That’s because I am not scared of meeting myself. I like to look myself in the eye. Discuss my shortcomings with myself. Exult on my successes. Bitch about everybody and anybody. There was this time when I was afraid of myself. Afraid of facing myself. That was because I tried too hard to hide SO many things from myself. I was always petrified that I would challenge myself. I would fight with myself and all those unpleasant truths would surface and shove me into perpetual depression and gloom. But I stood up to my fears. I realized all these truths were unpleasant all right, but they weren’t bigger than me. It was all in my mind. They were big wannabes. They just knew how to intimidate. They never could actually do anything to me. I just had to stand up to them. Gather up my shattered courage and stand up to them. I had been stupidly holding on to the past, superstitiously believing that it was saving me from these truths. But it never did. Shutting these truths and fears behind doors didn’t lock them out. They kept banging on the doors and grabbed out with their bony hands through the cracks. They never let me be at peace. But I stood up. And faced them. Beat them. And now, atleast I am not afraid of myself. I like to be with me. In fact I am my best. I cant do without me.

Life is all about running. Keep running. Don’t stop. If you stop, everything simply runs past! Don’t stop. Run. Leave people and things behind. If you don’t, they are going to leave you behind. And I am young. So I can run faster. Make hay while the sun shines. Run along. Run as fast as you can. Which way? The direction in which you see the light. That’s the loneliest road. Rarely people take it. Traffic is scarce here. You hardly come across anybody. And its very rough here. Not like the other one everybody else took. But this is the right road. And when you are running on this road, everybody can see you. I am young. So I shouldn’t stop. There will come a day when I wont be able to run anymore. I don’t want to be regretting today then. But why are we running? I don’t know. I have no idea. Is all this running going to get us anywhere? I don’t know. Right now, it just feels great to run. And I want to run along.

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